Noam Chomsky v Olomouci

02.08.2014 16:19

Na pozvání Univerzity Palackého vystoupil 4. června 2014 v kině Metropol americký filozof, lingvista a logik Noam Chomsky. Besedy o současné politice a filozofii se účastnili také filozof Martin Škabraha a režisér a dokumentarista Vít Janeček. Debatu moderoval děkan filozofické fakulty Jiří Lach. 

The American philosopher, logician and linguist Noam Chomsky accepted the invitation of Palacký University to debate contemporary issues. One of the most influential intellectuals of our time addressed a packed audience on June 4 at the Metropol Cinema in Olomouc. The discussion, which focused on politics and philosophy, was joined by Martin Škabraha, a Czech philosopher from Palacký University, and documentary filmmaker Vít Janeček. The debate was hosted by Jiří Lach, the Dean of the Philosophical Faculty.